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IVF Treatment : Tips to Increase Success Rate

When it comes to in vitro fertilization (IVF), there are factors affecting the IVF success and failure. Understanding these factors is important to help couples manage their expectations and make informed decisions.


Some of the factors affecting IVF success and failure are:

  1. Age: Age directly influences IVF success rates. Younger women have higher chances of IVF success. With ageing, both the quantity and quality of eggs decrease which may comprise IVF treatment outcomes

  2. Sperm Quality: The sperm has a crucial role to play in IVF success. The sperm must be healthy,motile and have a good count to fertilise the ovum. Low sperm count decreases the chances of fertilization.

  3. Embryo Quality: This refers to division, morphology, and genetic health. High-quality embryos are tied to a higher chance of implantation and healthy pregnancy.

  4. Reproductive History: This includes previous pregnancies, miscarriages, or a history of failed IVF cycles.

  5. Medical Conditions: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine abnormalities, fibroid tumours, ovarian dysfunction, blocked fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalances, and other uterine disorders negatively can impact IVF success rates. It is crucial to treat these conditions before planning IVF to increase the success rates of IVF.

  6. Lifestyle and IVF: Certain factors like smoking, alcohol, obesity, and poor diet, negatively impact IVF success rates. If you are planning for IVF, you should make positive lifestyle changes like eating a balanced diet, quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight. Following a healthy lifestyle increases the success rates of IVF.

  7. Doctor’s Expertise: Getting treatment under an expert Embryologist increases the success rates of IVF.

Tips to Increase IVF Success Rates

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking and alcohol.

  • Do exercise regularly. Avoid high strenuous exercises.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Limit coffee intake.

  • Eat healthy. Increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Prefer whole grains, monosaturated fats, legumes like beans and chickpeas, and healthy fats.

  • Take vitamin supplements on doctors' advice.

  • Boost your mental health. Do meditation regularly. Avoid stress.

What is the best way to produce healthy sperm?

Some of the simple tips to produce healthy sperm include a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, no stress, no alcohol, no smoking, physically active.

If you are dealing with infertility, consult our Expert IVF specialist and choose the best option for you. Every case is unique and it is crucial to discuss personalized treatment options so as to enhance the treatment outcomes with increasing IVF success rates.

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