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Kidney Transplant at Yapita Health: Making your life better!

The burden of chronic kidney diseases is increasing worldwide affecting nearly 10% of the world's adult population. The major risk factors for chronic kidney diseases include diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease, and glomerulonephritis.

People with kidney failure or end-stage renal disease require dialysis to detoxify the body as the body loses the ability of normal kidney function. Dialysis has an alternative option for getting a kidney transplant and improving life quality.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is a condition in which loss of normal kidney function leads to the accumulation of substances like urea, uric acid, and creatinine. These act as toxins and due to the failure of kidneys to remove them from the body, they get accumulated affecting the whole body.

There are two treatment options available for patients with kidney failure:


Kidney transplant.

The most effective treatment for kidney failure is a kidney transplant. Kidney transplantation is also the best alternative for diabetic patients also.

Dialysis vs Kidney transplant: Why kidney transplant is better?

Dialysis patients have restricted lifestyles like:

  • Weight control

  • Limited water intake

  • Travel restrictions

  • The increased need for medications for blood pressure, blood production, etc.

Patients with kidney transplants have better opportunities for life. Their overall quality of life is enhanced by increasing survival rates. They don’t have to follow restricted lifestyles and can live life normally like healthy individuals. The need for medication is greatly reduced in kidney transplant patients.

Dialysis Vs Kidney Transplant

Finding Kidney Donor

Do you know who can be a kidney donor?

The kidney donor preferred is: 

  • A close family member of the patient

  • Healthy

  • Older than 18 years.

  • No history of the disease

                Kidney Donor

The pre-requisites of Kidney Transplant are

  • Diagnostic test:  This includes blood tests, X-rays, heart screening, lung screening, prostate, and gynecological examination.

  • ABO compatibility:  Before a kidney transplant, ABO compatibility is checked between the donor and the recipient. The RH system is not considered a factor in kidney transplants.

  • Tissue typing: This is also called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. The test involves a comparison of genetic markers and confirms a good match.

  • Crossmatch: The third and final matching test involves mixing a small sample of your blood with the donor's blood in the lab. The test determines whether antibodies in your blood will react against specific antigens in the donor's blood.

pre-requisites of kidney transplant


The procedure of Kidney Transplant

  • Kidney removal: With the advancement of technology, minimally invasive surgery has the process less complicated. Like Laparoscopic Kidney removal in which small incisions are made in the abdominal wall and the kidney is made free from the attachments. It is then extracted from the abdomen and prepared for placement in the recipient. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, there is less pain and healing is faster. The hospital stay is also greatly reduced.

  • Kidney transplant: The kidney is positioned and connected to adjacent blood vessels and the bladder.

  • Hospital stay: The number of days in the hospital depends on the condition of the patient.

  • Regular follow-up: The health and improvement are continuously monitored by the doctor in the follow-up duration.

ABO Incompatible Kidney Transplant

When there is a mismatch between the donor’s blood type and the patient's blood, then ABO incompatible kidney transplant is performed by a nephrologist experienced in treating cases of ABO incompatible kidney transplant.

Previously, ABO compatibility was the only option to prevent the risk of rejection and achieve outcomes of successful transplant but today due to advancements in technology and medicine, ABO incompatible kidney transplant is possible.

The steps involved in the process are:

  • Plasmapheresis: The antibodies are removed from the blood. This reduces the risk of kidney donor rejection.

  • Immunoglobulin: Intravenous immunoglobulins are injected into the body to provide protection against infections.

  • Medications: The new kidneys are protected from antibodies by medications.

Our renowned doctors at Yapita Health perform ABO incompatible Kidney transplants with a higher success rate.

Increasing success rates of kidney transplant: An insight

Currently, the success rates of kidney transplants have increased tremendously. This is due to three factors:

  • Surgeons expertise: Our best kidney transplant surgeons perform 1000+ kidney transplant surgeries every year.

  • Newer medications.

  • Technology: We live in a digital era where there has been tremendous advancement in technology which has raised the quality of treatment and has improved outcomes.

Social media platforms have increased awareness among the public on organ donation and play a supportive role in finding the donor.

Artificial intelligence has a great impact on patients’ health. The role is diagnostic, predictive, and medication management in kidney transplant patients.

Teleconsultation has improved patient care during the follow-up period. At Yapita Health, we provide teleconsultation to our treated patients after treatment and improve their life quality by providing continuous support during the follow-up period.

How medical tourism is supporting kidney transplant patients to receive high-quality treatment?

Kidney transplant is an expensive treatment. Patients from across the world prefer countries like India, Thailand, and Turkey to get high-quality treatment at affordable packages.

Every year, many patients with kidney failure come to countries like India, Turkey, and Thailand for Kidney transplants. These countries are preferred due to affordable treatment packages, the higher success rate of kidney transplants, the availability of technologies, experienced nephrologists, and the services offered.

Our services at Yapita Health include:

  • Consultation with an expert doctor to plan the right treatment.

  • Visa assistance

  • Flight tickets

  • Airport pick-up and drop

  • 24/7 on-ground support

  • Logistical services

  • Hospital travel

  • Fit to fly certification

  • Follow-up teleconsultation

  • Medicine support post-treatment

Medical Tourism Support for Kidney Transplant Patients

Why choose Yapita Health for a kidney transplant?

We have simplified medical tourism services abroad. Our expert and world-class renowned specialists have successfully completed thousands of kidney transplant cases yearly. Our hospitals are ranked top and are multidisciplinary. The treatment packages provided by us are affordable. Our dedicated 24/7 on-ground support to the patient given at the destination country makes the overall treatment journey simplified. We and our expert doctors are in constant touch with our patients after treatment to assist in follow-up through our teleconsultation services.



    • Alamgir A, Hussein H, Abdelaal Y, Abd-Alrazaq A, Househ M. Artificial Intelligence in Kidney Transplantation: A Scoping Review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 May 25;294:254-258. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220448. PMID: 35612067.

    • Henderson ML, Adler JT, Van Pilsum Rasmussen SE, Thomas AG, Herron PD, Waldram MM, Ruck JM, Purnell TS, DiBrito SR, Holscher CM, Haugen CE, Alimi Y, Konel JM, Eno AK, Garonzik Wang JM, Gordon EJ, Lentine KL, Schaffer RL, Cameron AM, Segev DL. How Should Social Media Be Used in Transplantation? A Survey of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. Transplantation. 2019 Mar;103(3):573-580.

    • Concepcion, Beatrice P.1; Forbes, Rachel C.2. The Role of Telemedicine in Kidney Transplantation: Opportunities and Challenges. Kidney360 1(5):p 420-423, May 2020.

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Faqs For Kidney Transplant

What is the age to get a kidney transplant?

The kidney transplantation age is 45-65 years.

Is kidney transplant safe?

A kidney transplant is the best option for those who are on dialysis. The safety and success rates of the procedure are increasing due to technology advancements like robotic assistance, surgeons' experience, and expertise greatly influencing the procedure. Kidney transplants performed at Yapita Health are successful. To know more, contact us.

Are you eligible for kidney transplant?

If you have irreversible kidney disease and are on dialysis or need dialysis, then you are eligible for a kidney transplant.

Is a kidney transplant better than dialysis?

Yes, a kidney transplant is better than dialysis. Patients on kidney transplants live longer and have better life quality than those on dialysis.

Can I skip dialysis and get a transplant?

You should know that you don't have to undergo dialysis before choosing a kidney transplant. If you are indicated for dialysis, you can choose a kidney transplant either directly or after a short period of dialysis.

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