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ART Fertility Clinic

ART Fertility Clinic

About Hospital

ART Fertility Clinics was started as an extension of IVI RMA Global in 2015 under the brand name IVI Middle East. In Jan 2020, IVI RMA divested its ownership to Gulf Capital and the entity was rechristened as ART Fertility Clinics. Since its inception, ART Fertility Clinics has been led by Mr. Suresh Soni, Chief Executive Officer, and Prof. Dr. Human Fatemi, Group Medical Director. In the past six years, ART Fertility Clinics has established Clinics in Abu Dhabi, Muscat, and Dubai and become the leading institute for Human Reproductive Medicine in the Middle East. As part of the global expansion initiative mandated by Gulf Capital, ART Fertility has expanded its presence in India, commencing operations in six clinics across India in 2021. ART Fertility Clinics will be announcing the launch of several clinics in Europe and Asia during the second half of 2023.

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  • ART Fertility Clinics was launched in early 2015 in collaboration with IVI RMA Global with the goal of becoming the leader in Human Reproductive Medicine in the GCC. With a focus on original research and publications, ART Fertility Clinics has become an international referral center for patients seeking advanced treatments, especially after multiple failed cycles using their own eggs. Having established itself as the thought leader in the GCC with clinics in Abu Dhabi, Muscat, and Dubai, ART Fertility Clinics is now embarking on the next chapter of its growth in partnership with Gulf Capital as an independent provider of Fertility treatments. The new chapter of ART Fertility Clinics will see the implementation of an ambitious two-year rollout of 25 new clinics across India, Europe, and southeast Asia.
  • Our stakeholders share a common vision: 'Cogito, Ergo Sum…. I think, therefore, I am. The cornerstone of our success is good science and technology, which translates into the best medical outcomes for our patients. ART Fertility Clinics has the highest success rates globally with a 71% Pregnancy rate; 1.3 Embryos per transfer, with their own oocytes and sperm. We shall continue to deliver the best treatments and services to our patients so that they receive the best value for their money.
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ART Fertility Clinic

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