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Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG) at Yapita Health

World-class cardiologists
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Journey towards a better and healthier heart

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure that is performed to keep the blood flowing to the heart muscles through the arteries. The arteries supply blood to the muscles of the heart, these arteries can get blocked or narrowed due to the accumulation of plaque in them resulting in decreased blood flow. A bypass surgery is performed to attach a new artery to the blocked artery so that the blood can travel through this new artery and the blood flow can be restored to the heart muscles.

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An Overview of CABG

In CABG, a blood vessel (graft) is taken from the chest, arm, or leg and attached to the coronary artery below and above the narrowed area or blockage. The number of grafts required depends on the severity of the condition. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia and takes about 3-6 hours. The hospital stay is 6-8 days and the first follow-up appointment is usually scheduled after 8-9 weeks of surgery. One can resume normal routine within 6 days but strenuous activities are avoided. Most people recover completely within 12 weeks. 

After surgery, symptoms like chest pain and breathlessness improve and the risk of heart attack is lowered.

FAQs Related to Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG)

Why is the Sucess rate of CABG surgery in India?

Success rate of CABG is approx 98% in India.

How to get Medical Visa?

Our Team will help you in the processes.

What can i expect after CABG?

After CABG surgery, instructions are given by the cardiologist including a recovery plan, medication, diet changes, and exercise and follow-up. At yapita health, we provide 24/7 assistance to the patient and regular follow-ups via teleconsultation services.

How long I have to stay in the destination country for CABG?

 The length of stay is usually 7 days. Moreover, it depends on the patient's condition.

Why is Yapita Health best for minimally invasive CABG procedure?

We have worlds renowned vascular surgeons, heart surgeons, cardiothoracic surgeon who have successfully treated the most complicated cases requiring cardiac surgery with latest technologies worldwide.

What is the difference between stable angina and unstable angina?

Stable angina is more common and is associated with triggers like stress and exercise. Unstable angina is more serious and is tied to unpredictable attacks without triggers.

What are heart artery blockage symptoms?

Heart artery blockage symptoms are chest pain, palpitation, nausea, tiredness, sweating, breathlessness and dizziness.

How severe angina pain is treated?

Severe angina pain is treated with a coronary artery bypass graft so as to improve the supply of blood to the heart.

Is atherosclerosis a coronary artery disease?

Coronary artery disease or coronary vascular disease means plaque build-up in arterial walls which are involved in supplying blood to the heart. This causes the narrowing of arteries over time and is called atherosclerosis.

What is Angina pectoris?

Angina pectoris refers to chest pain or discomfort because of coronary heart disease.

What are therapeutic options in angina treatment?

It involves medications, self-care, surgeries like coronary artery bypass surgery, and hybrid coronary revascularization with cardiac rehabilitation.

What is ischemic heart disease and how it is caused?

Ischemic heart disease describes the heart problems caused due to narrowing of arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles. When the plaque ruptures, the blood clot released can block an artery causing severe heart ischemia and heart attack.

Can heart ischemia be cured?

Once the diagnosis of heart disease or heart blockage is established, it cannot be cured so treatment is essential to reduce the severity and complications of the disease. At yapita health, we have the world's most renowned cardiologists, you can take a second opinion and plan your treatment further. Visit our website for more details.

Is coronary atherosclerosis curable?

No, it cannot be cured but it can be treated to reduce the risk of heart attack.

When is triple bypass surgery performed?

Triple bypass surgery is performed when patients have multiple blockages in the arteries supplying heart.

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