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Dr. Sushil Shukla

Dr. Sushil Shukla

Senior Consultant of Pediatric Cardiology
11 سنوات من الخبرة
Senior Consultant of Pediatric Cardiology
11 سنوات من الخبرة
Pediatric Cardiologist
Pediatric Cardiology
Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Cardiologist
Pediatric Cardiology

Hospitals & Locations
Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad
Pediatric Cardiology


  • Did MBBS from the GSVM Medical College, CSJM University of Kanpur (1996-2002).

  • Holds a degree in MD Pediatrics from MLN College, Allahabad University, UP. (2008). Qualified in MRCPCH UK.

  • Took a DNB Fellowship in National Board of Diplomate and FNB Pediatric Cardiology from Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Delhi, India.(Feb 2013- Feb 2015).

  • Holds a high level of experience in Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Cardiovascular conditions.

  • Expert in Congenital cardiac/blood vessel issues and their treatments.

  • Received experience as a Senior Consultant in Pediatric Cardiology from the Metro Hospital located in Delhi.

  • Worked in Max Super-Speciality Hospital, Delhi, India.

  • Gave service in RTIICS, Narayana, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

  • Worked as Associate Consultant in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi.

  • Special Interests Include COA Angioplasty, Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty, Cardiomyopathy management, Pericardiocentesis.

  • Holds membership of the Delhi Medical Council.

  • Holds a membership in the Irish Medical Council.

  • Conducted more than 800 diagnostic caths and over 200 pediatric cardiac interventions.

  • Did various echo studies and also performed up to 500-700 echos in one month since 2015.

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  • Dr. Sushil Shukla is a well-known Doctor who provides medical services as a Senior Consultant in Pediatric Cardiology in India.
  • Gained over 10 years of expertise in the medical field and performed successful cardiovascular treatment of kids.
  • He has worked in various hospitals including Max Super-Specialty Hospital, Delhi Metro Hospital as a Senior Consultant, and the Asian Institute of Medical Science, Faridabad as an Associate Consultant and Pediatric Cardiologist.
  • He holds a huge level of experience and skill in treating Cardiomyopathy patients, treating an ill premature child with a PDA device who weighed just 1.3 kg, the newborn baby was the tiniest-sized child treated in the device in the whole NCR Region.
  • Individually did 800 diagnostic caths and 200 interventions.
  • He is an Expert in handling post-op pediatric patients in the ICU.
  • His fields include Electrophysiology and pacing, Cath lab procedures, AP window device closure, study of Oximetry, MRI and pathology, Closure of devices including PDA, angioplasty in COA, ASD, VSD, Angioplasty in infants, and Pericardiocentesis.
  • Has numerous publications in his name which include the closure of Gerbode defect percutaneous, Research the title 'To Define the Incidence of Heart Disease in Newborns' which he researched as a Senior Research Officer, Hypertensive PDA treatment with unconventional devices.
  • Received huge recognition by successfully performing complicated procedures.

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Established in 2010, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences is a super specialty tertiary care hospital having most talented medical professionals in India. Accredited with NABH and NABL, it is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. It has been ranked: Best Healthcare Brand for two consecutive years 2016 and 2017 by The Economic Times Survey Rated among top 7 hospitals in Delhi NCR 4 years in a row by “The Week” magazine Adjudged as the 4th best hospital of Delhi & NCR in the ‘The Week-Hansa Research Survey 2018 It is the first hospital in North India to deploy Varian’s Rapid Arc on a Trilogy system along with several high-end equipments. It provides comprehensive treatment and palliative care through its 8 hospitals with 4500+ trained staff and 1100+ doctors.

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Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad

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