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Top 10 Knee Replacement Hospitals In India

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FAQs Related to Knee Replacement Surgery

How long can you live without Knee replacement?

It is advisable to seek treatment on time to prevent complications and improve life quality.


Who needs a knee replacement?

Knee replacement is advisable for those who have severe mobility issues and knee pain even while resting.


Is knee replacement safe?

Knee replacement is a completely safe procedure. Robotic knee replacement is the latest treatment option with the highest success rates, fewer complications, less risk of infection, and less blood loss.


What is the average hospital stay after knee replacement surgery?

The length of the usual hospital stay is 5-7 days.

What are the risks of knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement is a safe surgical procedure. Some of the common manageable complications of knee replacement are pain, discomfort, infection, and clotting. Medications are prescribed that reduce the chances of complications.


Are life-long medicines necessary after knee replacement?

No. lifelong medications are not required after knee replacement. You have to take medications for a few weeks to reduce post-operative pain and discomfort.


Does a person have a very restricted life after a knee replacement?

No, not at all. The life quality is greatly improved after knee replacement and one can resume normal routine within a few weeks as advised by the doctor. Knee replacement surgeon explains lifestyle habits to adopt after surgery.



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