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Affordable and Best in class Blood Cancer Treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital

Located in Mumbai, the Tata Memorial Centre is one of the prime facilities for cancer patients in India, popular for the treatment of all types of cancers. Cancer treatment in Tata Memorial Hospital is advanced and people from around the world come to India for their treatment. Blood cancer is a type of cancer that is very invasive and it has many types including leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Specialised, multifaceted treatment is available at TMC for blood cancers. Bone marrow transplant price in India is relatively lower than the price for the same treatment in Western countries.

Types of Blood Cancer Treated at Tata Memorial Centre

  • Leukaemia - Types of leukaemia include Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), and Chronic Lymphocytic leukaemia. Acute leukaemia is a cancer where the growth of the abnormal cells is very fast whereas in chronic leukaemia the production of abnormal cells is slower.
    The treatment for leukaemia will depend on the type of cancer. But there are various treatments provided by TMC for the treatment of leukaemia, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation.
  • Lymphoma - Types of lymphoma are Hodgkin Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Hodgkin Lymphoma can be cured when detected early. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of our immune system and lymphoma can disrupt our immunity. Bone marrow can also be damaged due to this cancer. In TMC, the management options include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and targeted therapies. In advanced cases, bone marrow transplantation is considered.
  • Multiple Myeloma - This cancer produces abnormal plasma cells. Plasma cells are a part of our immune system and they fight against germs by producing antibodies against the foreign microbes. Multiple myeloma causes the accumulation of these abnormal cells in our bones, interrupting the formation of healthy blood cells in the bone marrow. TMC manages its patients through chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplantation. TMC also conducts supportive care and treatment for complications associated with multiple myeloma.

Available Treatments at Tata Memorial Centre for Blood Cancer

With world-class medical expertise, advanced technology, and compassionate care, TMC is at the forefront of the fight against cancer in the country. It is a government-funded hospital which is why the cost of any treatment in this hospital is relatively low. Tata Memorial also gives second opinions to cancer patients. Tata memorial second opinion services are very good and trustworthy.

  • Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is the major form of treatment for most forms of blood cancer. TMC administers different chemotherapy plans based on the individual type and status of cancer. TMC has the most advanced facilities for safe and effective administration of chemotherapy.
  • Targeted Therapy - Targeted therapy is used to specifically target the cancer cells and destroy them. Drugs that only target specific cells that are harmful are used in this therapy. Healthy cells are not targeted by these drugs, eliminating any harm to our healthy cells. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), as well as some types of lymphoma, are treated by this therapy.
  • Radiotherapy - It is the process used to kill cancer cells. Radiotherapy is used to deliver lethal doses of radiation with precision to the areas affected by cancer. The radiation is selective and does not affect the healthy cells of the body.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) - Very aggressive blood cancer may require a bone marrow or stem cell transplant. TMC is one of India's advanced centres for the transplantation procedure, performing both types of bone marrow transplants, autologous and allogeneic transplants, using the patient's cells and the donor's stem cells, respectively.

Why to Avail the Blood Cancer Treatment in Tata Memorial Centre

TMC is associated with a team of highly experienced oncologists, haematologists, and support staff caring for cancer patients. All patient-related matters are viewed and shared by the multidisciplinary team, thereby personalizing the care for every patient.

  • State-of-the-art Facilities - The centre is furnished with advanced technology and infrastructure for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care.
  • Research Programs and Clinical Trials - TMC plays a much more active role in cancer research and offers opportunities to access the best clinical trials in the nation.
  • Affordable Care - As a government-funded institution, TMC offers high-quality cancer care at a fraction of the cost of private hospitals, making it accessible to patients from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Bone marrow transplant cost in Tata Memorial is very low and is free for people who cannot afford to pay for the treatment.

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