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Cost of Total Hip Replacement in Dubai, UAE

Approximate Cost for the Treatment

Approximate Cost for the Treatment

24500 $

22750 $

21000 $




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A total hip replacement is a surgical operation in which an artificial implant is used to replace a hip joint that is diseased or broken. The cost of Hip Replacement in Dubai starts from $ 21,000 to $ 24,500 depending on various medical factors like the type of hospital, doctor or surgeon's fee, medical condition of the patient, and even the surgery requirements. Patients would be advised to choose reputable institutions where they anticipate the greatest treatment because the prices are lower than in other foreign cities. The goal of Yapita Health is clear pricing so that we can offer valuable value for all budgets for your treatment.

Total Hip Replacement- Explanation

A prosthetic implant is surgically inserted to replace the injured hip joint in a total hip replacement procedure. It is usually advised for people who have severe hip discomfort and restricted movement as a result of fractures or osteoarthritis. The purpose of the operation is to help patients feel better overall, reduce discomfort, and increase their mobility.

Total Hip Replacement Cost in Dubai and Other Cities

Here is a Hip Replacement price estimate compared to many other destinations:

City, Country


Cost Of Total Hip Replacement (Approx.)

Dubai, UAE

$ 21,000 to $ 24,500

Istanbul, Turkey

$ 11,000 to $ 12,800

Delhi, India

$ 6,000 to $ 8,800

Bangkok, Thailand

$ 12,000 to $ 14,000

London, United Kingdom

$ 22,000 to $ 24,000

These figures show a mild idea and now not a correct value assessment of Total Hip Replacement surgeries, making Dubai an appealing destination for scientific vacationers in search of first-rate treatment at a low-priced rate.

It is important to acknowledge that these are approximations and may vary depending on specific orthopaedic physician instances, fees, and healthcare facilities.

Factors Impacting the Cost of Hip Replacement

Various cost factors affect the Hip Replacement Surgery:

  • The cost varies depending on whether the hospital is public, private, or a specialized orthopaedic.

  • The surgeon's expertise and reputation can impact the fee.

  • The cost of a hip implant changes depending on the implant.

  • Other medical services: Post-operative rehabilitation, Pre-operative diagnostics, and medications might raise the total cost.

Medical Examinations for Hip Replacement Surgery 

Before hip replacement surgery in UAE, a variety of medical tests are usually performed to figure out the patient's overall health state and any possible risk factors. Such tests could be X-rays, ECG, blood or urine tests, and other tests that would exclude any medical issues.

In the same way, the patient may need pain treatment, physical therapy, and check-up visits to supervise the recovery process and to confirm a positive outcome.

Recovery Time

Depending on the patient, the recovery time after hip replacement surgery may differ. Most patients can resume their regular lives and see noticeable pain alleviation in 6 to 8 weeks. However, it may take a while for full recovery and the best outcomes to materialize.

During the rehabilitation stage, a mix of physical therapy and exercises is necessary to regain hip joint flexibility, strength, and mobility.

How to get a Hip Replacement in Dubai with Yapita Health

  • Yapita Health provides numerous hip replacement services globally in collaboration with its hip surgery hospital partners.

  • In addition to the United Arab Emirates, India, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and many other countries, our highly qualified hip surgeons can help with hip replacement surgery.

  • To find out how much hip surgery will cost that best suits your needs, schedule a consultation with us.

  • To begin your Hip Replacement therapy with Yapita Health, complete the form at the top of the page.


4 Whys

Why Total Hip Replacement?

    Ease pain
    Better life quality
    Painless mobility

Why Overseas?

    More options
    Advanced technology

Why Advance Treatment?

    Minimally invasive
    No pain
    Quick recovery

Why Yapita Health?

    Robotic knee surgery
    Experienced orthopedic surgeons
    Patient Success stories

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Treatment Related Information


Types of Total Hip Replacement

  • Traditional Total Hip Replacement

  • Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement

  • Hip Resurfacing


Average hospital stay Days after hip replacement

The typical hospital stay after hip replacement surgery is one night, although some patients may stay longer while others may be able to go home on the same day as the surgery



Success rate of Total Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement has a high success rate ranges from 80% to 90%


Recovery Time for Total Hip Replacement

The recovery time for total hip replacement varies, but it generally takes several weeks to months to fully recover and resume normal activities.

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Total Hip Replacement cost

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Total Hip Replacement cost

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Total Hip Replacement At Yapita Health


We help individuals obtain the most care possible overseas by providing high-caliber medical tourism services at Yapita Health. You can rely on us to give you outstanding care and assistance at every stage of your journey thanks to our team of skilled physicians and our cutting-edge facilities. To make sure your road to recovery is as successful and seamless as possible, our committed team of medical experts will be by your side every step of the way. Contact us for more details.


FAQs Related to Total Hip Replacement

What factors affect the cost of Total Hip Replacement in Dubai

Factors that affect the cost of total hip replacement in Dubai include the choice of hospital, type of implant used, surgeon's fees, anesthesia fees, pre-surgical tests, post-operative care, and any additional procedures or therapies required.

What are the pre-transplant tests required for Total Hip Replacement in Dubai

Pre-transplant tests for total hip replacement may include blood tests, X-rays, MRI scans, ECGs, and a medical evaluation to assess the patient's overall health and identify any potential risks or complications.

What is the success rate of Total Hip Replacement in Dubai

The success rate of total hip replacement in Dubai is generally high, with most patients experiencing significant pain relief and improved mobility. However, success rates can vary depending on individual factors such as age, underlying medical conditions, and adherence to post-operative rehabilitation.

Can patients get an insurance plan for Total Hip Replacement in Dubai

Many insurance plans in Dubai cover total hip replacement. It is advisable to check with insurance providers to understand the coverage and reimbursement options available.

What is the recovery time after Total Hip Replacement?

The recovery time after total hip replacement can vary, but it generally takes several weeks to months to fully recover and resume normal activities. Rehabilitation and physical therapy are crucial for regaining strength, mobility, and function.

How long does Total Hip Replacement take?

The duration of a total hip replacement surgery typically ranges from 1 to 2 hours. However, the specific factors related to the patient and the surgical technique can influence the duration of the procedure.

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