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Hair Transplant Cost In Istanbul

3000 $

2600 $

2200 $




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Affordable and effective ways for Hair Transplant in Istanbul

Consider getting a hair transplant to regain your lost hair. Hair fall and hair loss have become very common in today's age as pollution levels have increased and nutrient intake has decreased. Hair transplantation is a procedure that includes the transfer of hair follicles from donor areas, where hair grows constantly, to the recipient areas, where hair loss is more common. In Istanbul, Turkey, the hair transplant prices are $ 2200 to $ 3000 for a thousand grafts. Istanbul offers the best quality of treatment with affordable pricing for national as well as international patients.

Types and Cost Comparison of Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Cost in Istanbul and other cities

Here are some cities in Istanbul where you can get Hair Transplants treatment at reasonable prices:

Cities, Countries

Cost Range In USD

Istanbul, Turkey

$ 2200 to $ 3000

Abu Dhabi, UAE

$ 11,600 to $ 13,800

Delhi, India

$ 2800 to $ 3500

Bangkok, Thailand

$ 3,000 to $ 4,000

London, United Kingdom

$ 10,000 to $ 12,000


In comparison to other places, Istanbul provides a more affordable range of Hair Transplant methods or treatments.

It is also worth noting that they are not fixed charges and may vary depending on individual circumstances, variables, hospital facilities, and hair treatment availability.



Types of Hair Transplant Methods

Hair Transplant can be done in multiple ways. Some of the most common methods that can be used for your treatment are mentioned below.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) - The first type and the oldest method for hair transplant that can be used for your treatment is this. During this procedure, the surgeon will take out a small piece of your skin from the back of your head. This skin will contain many hair follicles that will be taken out of the skin piece and transplanted back into your head individually. This method can cost you around $2,200 to $2,500 in Istanbul.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) - This is a newer method that requires the surgeon to extract the hair follicles from your head directly. The extracted follicles will be transplanted to a different region of your head that has experienced severe hair loss. This procedure in Istanbul will cost you around $2,500 to $3,000.

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Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Cost

The cost of a hair transplant in Istanbul is determined by a variety of factors, including:

  • Grafts: As the number of grafts required increases, the surgery becomes more expensive.

  • Clinic Popularity: Clinics that offer the best services and have vast knowledge or experience may demand a higher fee.

  • Technical Difference: The FUT procedure involves cutting a strip of skin from the back of the patient's head containing hair follicles, but the FUE process harvests individual follicular units to set the price.

  • Location: Because different cities or areas have varying cost of living calculations, there may be slight differences in costs in the city where you will receive hair transplant therapy; this is why the location also influences the treatment cost.

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FAQs Related to Hair Transplantation

Who needs hair transplant?

Any individual who is facing baldness or hair thinning may benefit from hair transplantation.

Is hair transplantation safe?

Yes, hair transplantation is considered a safe procedure.

How long will the treatment take?

Typically, the treatment lasts between four to eight hours.

What is the average hospital stay for a patient?

Hair transplantation is typically an outpatient procedure; no hospital stay is required.

What is the success rate of hair transplant?

The average success rate of hair transplantation is around 80%.

What are the risks of hair transplantation?

The risks associated with hair transplantation include bleeding, infection, and scarring.

Are lifelong medicines necessary after hair transplantation?

Lifelong medication is not necessary after hair transplantation.

Does a person have high infection rates and lead a very restricted life after hair transplantation?

No, a person does not have a high infection rate or lead a restricted life after hair transplantation.

What lifestyle changes are associated with hair transplantation?
  • There are no significant lifestyle changes associated with hair transplantation, but avoiding smoking, alcohol, and strenuous activity temporarily post-surgery are recommended.


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