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Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in Ankara

80000 $

65000 $

50000 $




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A bone marrow transplant (BMT) in Ankara, Turkey can be expensive depending on many factors, including the type of transplant, hospital amenities, experience of the medical staff, and aftercare.BMTs in Ankara might cost anything from $ 50,000 to $ 80,000 and more. Pre-transplant testing costs, donor search costs (if applicable), precondition regimens, transplant procedures, hospital stays, drug costs, and post-transplant care are some of them. To understand all of the potential costs, patients should speak with their healthcare physician. They should also look into any insurance or financial assistance programs that may be available to lessen the financial burden of BMT prices in Ankara.

What is Bone Marrow Transplantation?

Bone marrow transplants are frequently referred to as stem cell transplants. It is used to treat cancer and genetic disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, and aplastic anemia. The bone marrow produces purple blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Healthy stem cells are supplied to the affected person at some point throughout the bone marrow transplant operation.

Bone Marrow Transplant Costs in Ankara and Other Cities

Ankara offers more affordable bone marrow transplant options than other cities. Here's a breakdown of Bone Marrow Transplant costs in Ankara against some popular healthcare tourism destinations.


City, Country

Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant (Approx.)

Ankara, Turkey

$ 50,000 to $ 80,000

Delhi, India

$ 10000 to $ 45000 

Bangkok, Thailand

$ 33000 to $ 100000


$ 60,000 to $ 1,20,000

London, United Kingdom

$ 50,000 to $ 100,000

These figures show Ankara's approximate cost advantage for bone marrow transplants, making it a desirable destination for medical tourists seeking high-quality care at a low cost.

Factors impacting the cost of a bone marrow transplant


  • BMT Type- Allogeneic and autologous transplantation.

  • Amenities and Facilities of the Medical Center

  • The medical team's expertise and experience, include pre-transplant assessments and testing.

  • Medication and Aftercare

  • Duration of hospital stay and required procedures/treatments.

  • The hospital place where it is located.

  • The patient's current health.

  • Allogeneic transplants necessitate the presence of donor cells.

  • Complicated or uncommon medical issues.

Medical Tests for Bone Marrow Transplant


Before the bone marrow transplants, the compatibility of the donor and the recipient is determined by type of blood, tissue typing, and immunological studies. The cardiac, pulmonary, and imaging tests aim at overall health assessment; however, the dental and psychological tests look for issues.

This could be interpreted as such blood tests being similar to the immune status that follows the transplant. The medications that modulate the immune system are then taken and the infectious diseases are excluded. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is also investigated and imaging scans are used to look at how the organs function. Persistent psychosocial support is a way of aiding emotional recovery. These pre and post-diagnostic and therapeutic measures are essential for a successful bone marrow transplant as they are aimed at preserving the patient's well-being during different stages of the surgery.

Recovery Time

The length of a patient's recovery phase is difficult to predict. The duration of the procedure is determined by the patient's health, problems, and type of transplant. Patients are typically hospitalized for 3-4 weeks to 3 months following their transplant for follow-up and supportive treatment. Recovery from a traumatic brain injury might last several months, a year, or possibly much longer.

How to get a Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment in Ankara with Yapita Health

Yapita Health Company, in partnership with its partners, offers bone marrow transplants in Ankara. Enjoy executive travel assistance, free online consultations, 24-hour logistical support, and affordable treatment packages. This location provides excellent healthcare and comprehensive Bone Marrow Transplant treatments.

You can start your treatment journey with Yapita Health right now by filling out the form at the top of this page.

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+5000 Doctors
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we are dedicated to providing affordable and accessible medical care to our patients. Our network of healthcare providers specializes in full range of treatments and procedures, including bone marrow transplants. This life-saving procedure can be a costly investment, which is why we aim to provide cost-effective options for our patients. Our team of expert physicians and specialists are equipped with the latest technology and techniques to provide the highest quality of care throughout the entire transplant process. With Yapita Health, you can trust that you will receive special care at an affordable price.

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FAQs Related to Bone Marrow Transplant

What are the pre-transplant tests required for Bone marrow Transplants in Ankara?

Common Pre-transplant tests for Bone Marrow Transplant include blood tests, chest X-rays, pulmonary function tests, PET scans, heart tests, bone marrow biopsies, and CT scans.


Can patients get an insurance plan for Bone marrow Transplants in Ankara?

Yes. Bone marrow transplants are covered under insurance. The policy may differ with different insurers.

How long does a Bone marrow Transplant take?

The conditioning process takes about 1-2 weeks. The transplant is performed 2 days after conditioning. The stem cells are passed slowly through the central line and may take 3-4 hours.

What is the success rate of Bone marrow Transplants in Ankara?

The success rate depends upon the type of treatment and bone marrow. However, the success rates are highest for Bone marrow Transplants in Ankara with a range of 60-80 %. The success rates in cancer treatment are increasing dramatically due to better therapeutic options, technology advancement, surgeons' expertise, etc.


What factors affect the cost of Bone marrow Transplants in Ankara?

Some of the important factors affecting bone marrow transplant in Ankara are the city, location of the hospital, admission fee, surgeon fee, experience of the surgeon, type of condition, type of bone marrow, duration of hospitalization, type of room in the hospital, complications associated, comorbidities, laboratory investigations, and medication.

What is the recovery time after Bone marrow Transplant?

The patient has to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. During this period, one may have weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, blood, and platelet transfusions. Depending on the patient's condition, the length of hospital stay may increase. Extra care has to be taken after going home as it takes time for the immune system to gain strength. The time of recovery depends on the patient's condition.


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