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Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in Istanbul

100000 $

75000 $

50000 $




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Affordable and Effective Ways for Bone Marrow Transplant

The cost of a bone marrow transplant in Istanbul is between $ 50,000 and $ 60,000. Bone marrow transplant is a very complex surgery that needs to be conducted with focus and precaution. Istanbul has many experienced surgeons who have performed this surgery on many patients with a lot of success. The cost of this surgery in Istanbul is also affordable for local and international patients. A bone marrow is a spongy tissue present in the bones that is responsible for the production of blood cells. Any damage to the bone marrow can stop the production of these cells causing various disbalances in the body.

Cost Comparison of Bone Marrow Transplant

Donors of the Bone Marrow

Bone marrow donors can be classified into two categories. The patient themself can donate bone marrow. Healthy stem cells can be extracted from the patient's body and put into the damaged area of the bone marrow. Other types of donors include the patient's family. Siblings and parents can give bone marrow to the patient. Genetic testing is performed on healthy bone marrow prior to collection of the stem cells. To donate stem cells, donors must be a genetic match with the patient.

Bone Marrow Transplant Costs in Istanbul and Other Cities

Istanbul offers more affordable bone marrow transplant options than other cities.


City, Country

Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant (Approx.)

Istanbul, Turkey

$ 50,000 to $ 60,000

Delhi, India

$ 10000 to $ 45000 

Bangkok, Thailand

$ 33000 to $ 100000

Dubai, UAE

$ 60,000 to $ 1,20,000

London, United Kingdom

$ 50,000 to $ 100,000


The table given above shows the various bone marrow transplant prices in different countries of the world. These costs are just an estimate and will vary from person to person based on their needs.

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Factors impacting the cost of a bone marrow transplant

  • BMT Type- Allogeneic and autologous transplantation.

  • Amenities and Facilities of the Medical Center

  • The medical team's expertise and experience, include pre-transplant assessments and testing.

  • Medication and Aftercare

  • Duration of hospital stay and required procedures/treatments.

  • The hospital place where it is located.

  • The patient's current health.

  • Allogeneic transplants necessitate the presence of donor cells.

  • Complicated or uncommon medical issues.

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FAQs Related to Bone Marrow Transplant

What are the pre-transplant tests required for Bone marrow Transplants in Istanbul?

Common Pre-transplant tests for Bone Marrow Transplant include blood tests, chest X-rays, pulmonary function tests, PET scans, heart tests, bone marrow biopsies, and CT scans.


Can patients get an insurance plan for Bone marrow Transplants in Istanbul?

Yes. Bone marrow transplants are covered under insurance. The policy may differ with different insurers.

How long does a Bone marrow Transplant take?

The conditioning process takes about 1-2 weeks. The transplant is performed 2 days after conditioning. The stem cells are passed slowly through the central line and may take 3-4 hours.

What is the success rate of Bone marrow Transplants in Istanbul?

The success rate depends upon the type of treatment and bone marrow. However, the success rates are highest for Bone marrow Transplants in Istanbul with a range of 60-80 %. The success rates in cancer treatment are increasing dramatically due to better therapeutic options, technology advancement, surgeons' expertise, etc.


What factors affect the cost of Bone marrow Transplants in Istanbul?

Some of the important factors affecting bone marrow transplant in Istanbul are the city, location of the hospital, admission fee, surgeon fee, experience of the surgeon, type of condition, type of bone marrow, duration of hospitalization, type of room in the hospital, complications associated, comorbidities, laboratory investigations, and medication.

What is the recovery time after Bone marrow Transplant?

The patient has to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. During this period, one may have weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, blood, and platelet transfusions. Depending on the patient's condition, the length of hospital stay may increase. Extra care has to be taken after going home as it takes time for the immune system to gain strength. The time of recovery depends on the patient's condition.


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